The Wholesum 8

Join me for an 8 week interactive wellness course as I guide you through my 5 pillars of wellness: movement, nutrition, mindfulness, environment and holistic remedies (and more).

Each week we will dive into a different topic as we navigate the wellness world. If you are feeling lost with where to start and how to digest all of the information out there, then this course is for you! 

The Wholesum 8 will guide you through the first steps in creating a sustainable wholistic approach to achieve your goals.

I created this 8 week interactive course to help you navigate the wellness world. I know how overwhelming it can be to hear about keto, intermittent fasting, plastics, endocrine disruptors, cold plunge, HIIT and so much more. Together, during this course we will deep dive into my 5 pillars of wellness: movement, nutrition, mindfulness, environment and holistic remedies. I will be your guide throughout the course, answering your specific questions along the way, but you are your own best teacher. You will leave this course feeling empowered to set goals to implement change for yourself and family.

What’s Included

  • The Wholesum 8 will guide you through my 5 pillars of wellness so by the end of our time together you will have all the tools you need to make the decisions that best align with you and your personal goals.

    This 8 week interactive course will allow you the opportunity to ask questions, set goals, and have weekly check-ins. You will leave this course feeling empowered to set goals to implement change for yourself and family.

  • Week 1: Intention - What's your why?

    Week 2: Movement - Let's reframe our movement mindset

    Week 3: Nutrition - Using food as fuel Guest Speaker Kyle Nottingham

    Week 4: Mindfulness - Meditation, Breath work, and more

    Week 5: Environment - All the things around us

    Week 6: Holistic Remedies - Supporting our bodies with supplements, oils, and more

    Week 7: Mind Body Connection & More

    Week 8: Follow-Up - How is everyone doing?

  • Each week throughout the course we will meet via Zoom. This will be a space for us to check in with one another face to face, as well as where we will go over that week’s course outline.

    *Zoom links will be sent out the day before our meeting

  • Each round of courses will have access to the Wholesum 8 community group on Facebook where we can share, comment and engage with one another throughout the course and after.

  • Kyle Nottingham will be joining us during Week 3: Nutrition.

    Kyle is an amazing innovator in the culinary world and will be bringing his expertise to this course, along with some pretty incredible recipes.